Midnight Mass Review: I Really Don’t Know What to Think or Feel about it

Major Spoilers in this Review

Religion is Dying by James A. Haught is a Poorly Formatted Mess

First and foremost, this had to be one of the worst formatted books I have ever had the displeasure to read on Kindle. What kind of idiot decides to make every chapter into a shortened font size with exclusively Bold text? This was an eyesore to read. If, like me, you’re still curious and wish … Continue reading Religion is Dying by James A. Haught is a Poorly Formatted Mess

A Self-Updating List of the Catholic Church’s Contemporary History of Child Abuse and Anti-Human Rights stances

Oath of Ahimsa             Before I begin, I want to make it unequivocally clear that my support for political activism in the interests of defending Dharma is strictly in terms of non-violence. This is about challenging bad beliefs, bad ideas, and the cultish practices of this particular Christian institution. Most Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, and … Continue reading A Self-Updating List of the Catholic Church’s Contemporary History of Child Abuse and Anti-Human Rights stances

A physical edition of Questioning Christianity is now available for purchase on Amazon

Priced at $10.75.

Two Book Sales Scheduled starting December 23rd 2020

For a limited time, both the Kindle versions of Faith in Doubt (UK Only) and Questioning Christianity: Book Edition will be on sale starting from December 23rd 2020 and end within the month of December.

The Importance of Racial Integrity by Anthony M. Ludovici: General Impressions

I need to bleach my brains out from the sheer stupidity that I just read. I can only blame myself for having the curiosity to read this dumpster fire. Alas, for every Nietzsche, Gautama Buddha, and Hitchens; there’ll be a Ludovici, a Jesus Christ, and an Armin Navabi.

Questioning Christianity: An Improved Book Edition

Finished a new ebook made up of earlier blog posts to help peacefully criticize Christianity and further stymie Christian conversions in India and elsewhere.

Why are Ex-Muslim Atheists on Social Media creating Ex-Hindu groups and Pretending to be Ex-Hindu?

Can these self-stylized "rationalists" please rationally explain why they're falsely claiming to be Ex-Hindu groups?

The Ex-Muslim Scam: Did Ex-Muslims exaggerate the dangers of Apostasy?

How can anyone who claims to be threatened with death by Islamic Jihadists, then use the term "Hindu Jihadist" in reference to angry and thoughtless Twitter responses?

What Islamists Kill People For

All one needs is an imam / Sheikh to approve the "grade" of this Hadith for extremists of this religious faith to begin the bloodletting.

Letters to a Young Contrarian by Christopher Hitchens

“Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the 'transcendent' and all who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself. Distrust compassion; prefer dignity for yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought arrogant or selfish. Picture all experts as if they were mammals. Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect your own motives, and all excuses. Do not live for others any more than you would expect others to live for you.” - Christopher Hitchens

#BlockExMuslims Because . . . They Hate Us Hindus

#BlockExMuslims Because They Hate Us #Hindus. If Ex-Muslims antagonize Hindus, then please consider taking part in this campaign and voluntarily block them all and be indifferent to whatever news involves them from now on.

Exposing the Ex-Mu$lims: John DelVento, Ex-Mu$lim and Sufi Apologist and Ex-Mu$lim Abdullah Sameer

With their willful attempts to stoke controversy, I've decided to make videos Exposing the scam that Ex-Muslims run at this moment and time.

A Reminder of r/atheism’s tacit support for the funding of the Catholic Church

A reminder for an "atheist" subreddit claiming to oppose pedophilia in the Catholic Church, they seem keen on shutting down group conversations of those exposing "funding" campaigns that support the Catholic Church. That includes a permanent ban for even discussing the issue and criticizing them.

Exposing Christianity’s Lies: Resources To Help Your Arguments

Exposing the lies and hateful teachings of the Bible in defense of Sanatana Dharma, rational empiricism, and Indian culture.

Effectively Communicating the Falseness of Christianity

This is one small step in destroying the hateful teachings of Jesus Christ and exposing the lies of Christianity in defense of Sanatana Dharma, rational empiricism, and Indian culture.

The Lack of Professionalism of Secular Jihadist Co-hosts Armin Navabi and Ali A. Rizvi

Well, after extensively emailing Ali A. Rizvi, he seems to have doubled down on his lack of professionalism, general incompetence, and poor business management skills by deliberately deceiving his Secular Jihadist viewership. Update: After making this complaint, they've added the blog post as they had initially promised me.

Secular Jihadist finally publicizes the podcast in an Edited format

It would seem that backlash helps. The Podcast was about my 5-part critique of Ex-MNA called The 5-Lenses. Here is the Link to The 5-Lenses blog post for newcomers: https://jarinjove.com/2020/03/16/five-lenses-1of5/

The Lost Episode of Secular Jihadists: Two Ex-Muslims Lose The Debate To a Single Hindu

When treated unfairly, one can either bury one's head in the sand or challenge the unfairness directly to make a change. Link to full debate inside.

Saying Goodbye to a Secular Enlightenment Future

The Western Ex-Muslim movement is a scam. A group of misanthropic twitter whiners who seem keen on reframing Free Speech for their own convenience to stroke their own egos instead of working to genuinely help Ex-Muslims who need their human rights defended. I learned this the hard way by getting scammed by the Secular Jihadist podcast.