Midnight Mass Review: I Really Don’t Know What to Think or Feel about it

Major Spoilers in this Review

10 Arguments Friedrich Nietzsche made against Christianity that Christian Apologists Ignore

This is exclusively intended for any and all Christian audiences to read. If you really want to know what Nietzsche argued against Christianity, here's ten arguments I've never seen Christian apologists address, specifically from Nietzsche.

The US Government, US Mainstream Media, and US Think Tanks Just Murdered their Credibility and they’re Too Stupid to Realize it

The Implosion of US Credibility is now an unequivocal fact. If this doesn’t thoroughly destroy US credibility, then nothing will. The US was too stupid to avoid self-harm.

The Myth of the Dying Church by Glenn T. Stanton is a trainwreck

The Myth of the Dying Church by Glenn T. Stanton is a trainwreck of exaggerated claims, bigotry towards Christians, and an appeal to Collective Insanity.

A Self-Updating List of the Catholic Church’s Contemporary History of Child Abuse and Anti-Human Rights stances

Oath of Ahimsa             Before I begin, I want to make it unequivocally clear that my support for political activism in the interests of defending Dharma is strictly in terms of non-violence. This is about challenging bad beliefs, bad ideas, and the cultish practices of this particular Christian institution. Most Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, and … Continue reading A Self-Updating List of the Catholic Church’s Contemporary History of Child Abuse and Anti-Human Rights stances

The Teachings of Jesus Christ lead to Child Rape in Churches

The teachings of Jesus Christ lead to the rape of children.

Sexual Abuse of Power in the Black Church by Donald H. Matthews

Flawed, but ultimately a good read.

Infamous Lady: The True Story of Countess Erzsébet Báthory: Second Editon by Kimberly Craft

Evidently, the only lie about this woman’s tortures of innocent little girls was the claim about bathing in their blood. That was made-up approximately 100 years after her death. Everything else about her tortures seems credible.

Two Book Sales Scheduled starting December 23rd 2020

For a limited time, both the Kindle versions of Faith in Doubt (UK Only) and Questioning Christianity: Book Edition will be on sale starting from December 23rd 2020 and end within the month of December.

Questioning Christianity: An Improved Book Edition

Finished a new ebook made up of earlier blog posts to help peacefully criticize Christianity and further stymie Christian conversions in India and elsewhere.

A Reminder of r/atheism’s tacit support for the funding of the Catholic Church

A reminder for an "atheist" subreddit claiming to oppose pedophilia in the Catholic Church, they seem keen on shutting down group conversations of those exposing "funding" campaigns that support the Catholic Church. That includes a permanent ban for even discussing the issue and criticizing them.

Exposing Christianity’s Lies: Resources To Help Your Arguments

Exposing the lies and hateful teachings of the Bible in defense of Sanatana Dharma, rational empiricism, and Indian culture.

Effectively Communicating the Falseness of Christianity

This is one small step in destroying the hateful teachings of Jesus Christ and exposing the lies of Christianity in defense of Sanatana Dharma, rational empiricism, and Indian culture.

Jehovah’s Witnesses Leaders Use First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause To Protect Child Predators

Jehovah's Witnesses higher-ups continue to use the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to successfully protect Child Predators in their ranks in US Courts

My own critique of Jesus’s teachings as a Hindu


A Short List of Catholic Church’s History of the Rape and Torture of Children

Timeline of Abuse for Early 2000-2010s Discoveries Timeline of Abuse of 2018 Discoveries We Saw Nuns Kill Children: The Ghosts of St. Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage 'No more pain' victim wrote of Pa. priest sex abuse, as he and others took their own lives and ‘It happened everywhere’: The unimaginable scale of sexual abuse in Pennsylvania’s Catholic Church. … Continue reading A Short List of Catholic Church’s History of the Rape and Torture of Children

What is Christianity’s Legacy in India?

I’ll start with more lax critiques before going into major ones regarding history: Are contemporary Christian conversions working in India? It seems to be decreasing everywhere except China and South Africa, but perhaps all isn't what it seems? Christianity’s only claim to power is in privileged resources; do people not recognize how self-refuting that is? … Continue reading What is Christianity’s Legacy in India?

What Are The Pros and Cons of Supporting Prominent Western Ex-Muslim Atheist Activists?

The tone-deaf photo-op at a Berlin Holocaust Memorial is one among many problems with the strategy and ideals of most Ex-Muslim Atheist personalities and Intellectual in the West.

Why Should You Consider Reading Faith in Doubt: Do You Question Your Faith?

I've written about how Faith in Doubt was a 4-year project and about why you shouldn't be daunted by the page count, so I'd like to go into more details for people who might still be on the fence despite such assurances and explain briefly what each section has to offer so I wanted to … Continue reading Why Should You Consider Reading Faith in Doubt: Do You Question Your Faith?

Free Sale September! From September 1st to September 5th, Faith in Doubt Split Editions Are Available For Free

Ebooks Freely Available from September 1st - 5th, 2019