Challenged myself to self-publish this within a week, Sex Offenders over Service Members: How US Federal Law privileges Registered Sex Offenders to rape and kill Indigenous Service Members’ families

Partially due to inspiration from a discord conversation in which another person mentioned that I talk about this human rights topic rather frequently and my own desires to encapsulate my pro-human rights arguments within a single book regarding this topic, I challenged myself to compile and make this book within the week. This book is largely retreading every single thing that I’ve discussed before in various blog posts regarding Native American human rights issues throughout the US. I know that I’m just one person and whatever difference I try to make will likely be miniscule in the long-term, but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t try. I followed the opposite principles that I used for my Faith in Doubt book; I decided to make this as short and simple as possible. I added it to Kindle unlimited in order to support mass dissemination as much as is likely to occur. It’ll be available for 99 cents in the US Kindle store on Amazon and the equivalent of 99 cents in international Amazon websites.

I doubt I’ll ever stop talking about these human rights issues that Native Americans experience; if I can contribute even in this small way, then I hope it helps to alleviate their suffering in whatever way that is possible. If you haven’t read my blog posts, or if you’d like to read or keep them in a remade book format, please consider my book:


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