The “Suzy Lu Controversy” is the “Anime and Reaction Community” whining about stupid shit

Note to The Gullible Dumbasses: This blog post is not in any way, shape, or form paid for or affiliated with the Suzy Lu Youtube channel. I’m putting “not” in bold because I don’t believe the worthless dumbasses of the “Reaction Community” are capable of any critical thought and so I’ve kindly placed the words in bold so they won’t hurt their little heads by trying to think too much since they’re not use to it.

I was first introduced to this laughably stupid “controversy” by the Renegade Youtube channel. I was then bombarded with “Suzy Lu Controversy” videos even after deleting the Renegade one off of my Youtube history and I must say that this is the dumbest shit I’ve ever come across in a long time.

What the fuck are the stupid people in the Reaction and Anime community whining about? It’s like as soon as someone criticizes another Youtuber, suddenly there’s a whole slew of people who want to get in on the “drama” and create their own pathetic videos in the hopes of gaining fame out of it such as more subscribers or double or triple their usual viewer count. Y’know, all it does is make me miss the good ol’ days of 2007 when it was just people being creative and making their own funny content instead of all this pathetic, stupid drama that tries to outdo Jersey Shore in terms of loudly screaming their retardation to the world in the hopes more people will pay attention to them. To be clear, I wouldn’t care if it was actually a legitimate issue like Onision being accused of grooming an underage girl for sex, but this is the anime and reaction community whining about a Youtube streamer sending copyright infringement and bullying notices because she doesn’t want videos about her and people lodging complaints of her streaming full anime episodes. That’s it. I mean, I hate to break it to you all, but that’s nothing serious. You being hurt by Youtube’s guidelines is Youtube’s fault and Youtube has never listened to any complaints by its Youtube Content Creators before. If, for the sake of the argument, I was to care enough about the worthless whining of Youtube content creators, I would point out the fact that it is obviously Youtube’s guidelines that are at fault for any exploitation and its behavior of collective punishment is much more to blame than a single Youtuber behaving foolishly to impact your own channels.

Also, a final word to Youtube “Content Creators” and one of the reasons I didn’t bother trying to do anything more serious with the platform apart from obviously not having the talent for it (you all are obviously more accomplished than I’ll ever be). Dear Youtube Content Creators, from those as famous as the Vlogbrothers to new people joining the platform: You are the equivalent of a channel on television that can be switched at the click of a mouse. You are replaceable. Even if you’re offering science videos about opaque concepts, there’s dozens of others doing the same. Your money and livelihood, your very careers, are no different from that of Hollywood actors; you can be replaced in a flash by something younger and probably better. Therefore, you disappearing off the platform is not a real issue that anyone should be concerned by. You don’t offer anything that can’t be replaced eventually and as sad as your fans will be to see you vanish .  . . in a few months, they’ll replace you for something or someone else who serves their need. Your “Channel” is just a collection of shows and people can always change the Channel. So, stop spewing your horseshit Youtube drama because unless some crime is being committed or people are being ripped off, nobody gives a shit about what Youtube Creators think especially not Youtube itself. Viewers just watch Youtube to be entertained and if you don’t entertain us, we can always go somewhere else. So shut the fuck up, you whiny worthless people and your “communities” of moronic people addicted to drama so they can ignore looking in the mirror.

6 thoughts on “The “Suzy Lu Controversy” is the “Anime and Reaction Community” whining about stupid shit

  1. You do realize you are missing the point of the drama? She filed false claims on people who criticized her, and at the same time upload reaction videos of full length anime episodes without being transformative.

    • I explicitly mentioned that and explained why it’s a stupid reason to complain. Perhaps try reading before commenting.

      • I did buddy. And you are mistaken.

        >What the fuck are the stupid people in the Reaction and Anime community whining about? It’s like as soon as someone criticizes another Youtuber, suddenly there’s a whole slew of people who want to get in on the “drama” and create their own pathetic videos in the hopes of gaining fame out of it such as more subscribers or double or triple their usual viewer count.

        Gee it’s almost as if it’s a serious issue on YouTube that people can get away with.

        >this is the anime and reaction community whining about a Youtube streamer sending copyright infringement and bullying notices because she doesn’t want videos about her and people lodging complaints of her streaming full anime episodes. That’s it. I mean, I hate to break it to you all, but that’s nothing serious. You being hurt by Youtube’s guidelines is Youtube’s fault and Youtube has never listened to any complaints by its Youtube Content Creators before.

        If YouTube doesn’t listen to a person breaking guidelines, it highlights an issue with double standards. Twitch has gone through the same thing with Alinity.

        If YouTube defends a person breaking guidelines, it sets a dangerous precedent on the website as a whole. I’m surprised YouTube didn’t get slapped a lawsuit for defending Suzy Lu.

        Also, “I explicitly mentioned that and explained why it’s a stupid reason to complain?”. Do yhou not see the double standard.

        Next time, stop being a narrow-minded dick and look up Copyright.

        • It’s not a copyright issue. If you cared so much about copyright, you’d be advocating all the reaction youtubers have their content taken down.

          • well if you HAVE viewed her reaction videos it mostly doesn’t do anything much – which removes the fact that it should be a video about reacting to an episode, not showing the episode itself. She’s also offering to air the full “react” episodes [which shows an entire episode without cuts or any critics and/or discussion from her end] behind a paywall – and considering there’s not much reacting on her side is like a cheaper subscription amount than the legit anime streamers.

          • I completely understand your point and I even agree that what she’s doing in that regard – within the context that you’ve detailed – is terrible from our personal point of view. Nevertheless, I think it needs to be clear that: 1. This problem for the community as a whole is purely because of how awful Youtube is at both giving guidelines and collectively punishing their sub-communities for one or two bad apples. It’s not actually her fault that they’ll be punished by Youtube. It’s Youtube’s own incompetence that is the true problem regarding this issue.
            2. You and I both agree her paywall scheme is stupid and not worth doing. Nevertheless, it isn’t a scam, she is not being deceitful about her content in any way, and it is strictly the fault of her fanbase for paying into her business model. The model itself is stupid to most people, but her fanbase – who pay for the content – don’t care. Most of the criticism lobbied against her on this point falls into the realm of subjective opinion on what an “authentic” anime reaction video should look like. It’s a weak argument against her because this argument against her is so subjective.
            3. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but despite the seemingly facile copyright claims over her face being shown in other Youtube videos and her attempting to shut down all criticism of her, unless it can be proven that she’s someone of public interest like a celebrity or a Senator (and she doesn’t even have 1 million subscribers and is not the most popular Anime Reactor on Youtube by any stretch), then the reason Youtube might be deleting videos criticizing her is because using her face on the title image could open Youtube up to a lawsuit because she still has a fundamental right to privacy unless it can be proven that she’s a famous person of interest. That might be a very hard sell for Youtube in any court filings since her subscriber base is fairly average for a Anime and Video Game Reaction Youtuber. Youtube not wanting a potential lawsuit could be the real reason they’re taking down the videos because her being a matter of public interest might be a legal grey area that lawyers could exploit. She’s not a famous person or trend setter and to the best of my knowledge, nobody ever claimed that she was including herself.

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