My Thoughts on the Megami Tensei Franchise and Community

I’ve cogitated on what to say and how to address certain viewpoints within the Megami Tensei community who treat mine as idiotic or “crazy” and after writing down a list of Pros and Cons on different ways to approach this, I’ve concluded that I’m not going to bother anymore. I’ve written a set of objections … Continue reading My Thoughts on the Megami Tensei Franchise and Community

Debunking the “Tragic Asshole”: Debunking Eirikrjs “Maniacs Retcon Woes” without any snark

If you need convincing that Eirikrjs has no idea what he's talking about, then please give this a read. I debunk Eirikrjs by quoting SMT Nocturne itself.

Debunking the “Tragic Asshole”: Eirikrjs Lied about the Kabbalah References in SMT Nocturne

SMT Nocturne is referencing the Qliphoth, not the Sephirot as Eirikjrs claimed; there's some evidence to show Eirikrjs knew it and deliberately lied.

Debunking the “Tragic Asshole”: Why JJCAT Only Proves Eirikrjs is Looking for Racism when there is None

Exposing the lies of a privileged racist