Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: The Worthless Failure of Disney’s LGBT Pandering

This will contain spoilers.

Let’s be frank, shall we? The second Doctor Strange film, from herein Dr. Strange 2 to save time and space when explaining further, was not a good film. It was all over the place and as I suspected, Sam Raimi made yet another flop. The director credited with the “endearing” overhyped bullcrap that is the first three Spider-man films shat out another flop of a film while all his worthless, pathetic fanboys and fangirls keep yammering how he’s not a bad director because he can mix horror and comedy really well; even though, any impartial look at the first three ever Spider-man films, reveals they were worthless horseshit and that Sam Raimi was never a good director. Seeing this man constantly get work and praise is the equivalent of calling Tommy Wiseau a genius film director and film maker. Then again, at least Tommy Wiseau can make something funny to laugh at instead of worthless, boring horseshit that are Sam Raimi films.

I had not known that Dr. Strange 2 was directed by Sam Raimi, I went in blind and was largely led by the nose by two close friends. Had I known Sam Raimi directed it, I would have at least lowered my expectations since I didn’t expect such an awful film. However, once I saw Sam Raimi’s name at the end credits, it became clear to me that I shouldn’t have expected anything of worth from this film. Far be it from what my two friends think, it was not Disney making Sam Raimi bow to pressure that caused this flop of a shitfest. It was purely the lack of ability, lack of competence, lack of skill, and lack of intelligence on the part of a worthless, overhyped, piece of shit director and his misremembered campy legacy of glorified trash. The fact is that Sam Raimi is not good enough to direct a good film because Sam Raimi has never once made a good film. He relies on “campy” so that people can ignore his incompetence. The plot holes that people whine about in Dr. Strange 2 shouldn’t come as a surprise. There’s a plethora of awful and utterly stupid plot holes in his worthless Spider-man trilogy that people turned their brains off to ignore. Of course, he’s going to have plot holes in his movies, he uses “campy” as a method so people don’t pay attention to how worthless and awful his ability to direct films is. That’s the truth. It’s a truth I’ve known since seeing how Toby McGuire and Sam Raimi both pissed on the Spider-man franchise and shat on the character of Peter Parker. To be fair, it wasn’t as utterly worthless as Andrew Garfield’s awful Spider-man films that failed both because Andrew Garfield has never been able to act in his life and because the plot was as intelligent as Sam Raimi.

However, the worst aspect of this film isn’t the shitty plot whereby the real main character, “America Chavez” who gets captured by the Illuminati (I bet Sam Raimi actually thought he was being clever when making such a stupid story), is revealed to only need to believe in herself before she can use her powers to defeat the most experienced and powerful witch in the entire Marvel universe. No, it is in America Chavez’s motivation where the film fails spectacularly. America Chavez is revealed to have supposedly killed her two mothers by using her multiverse teleport powers accidentally as a child. It’s left up to viewer interpretation whether they were killed or not; Dr. Strange uses some vague fatalistic jargon by the end to convince her to believe in herself and that using her powers on her two mothers was somehow “meant to be” because . . . uh  . . . the plot required it to finish up Sam Raimi’s awful storytelling really fast? But no, the really egregious aspect is twofold after Scarlet Witch is easily defeated by the deus ex machina powers of America Chavez. One of America Chavez’s motivations was to reunite with her moms and yet after gaining full control of her multiverse powers since it was revealed to be a motivation issue, she never goes looking for her parents and instead becomes a student of magic to learn other forms of magic at Dr. Strange’s friends’ temple. Second, the small snippet scene of her past where we see her two mothers vanish is clearly oriented so that Disney can replace the scene with a heterosexual couple or remove it entirely for countries where LGBT couples aren’t approved of. In other words, Disney enacts an anti-LGBT erasure whenever convenient so that it makes gains in profits. The story never lingers on America Chavez’s two mothers for long, because all that is important to Disney is the pandering and not treating LGBT couples as actually people worthy of respect or their love worthy of any real equality compared to heterosexual couples. Sam Raimi merely dutifully filled in the checkboxes like the worthless anti-LGBT fraudster that he is and we can expect to have that small segment replaced by a heterosexual couple for the sake of Disney’s convenience and profit margins. The lives, experiences, and tribulations of LGBT people are just checkboxes to be used and discarded by the penmanship of Sam Raimi and by orders from his corporate masters at Disney.

Oh, but please, tell me how I’m wrong about how this is grossly unfair for LGBT representation, how I’m somehow being mean or unjust to Sam Raimi choosing to conveniently write off LGBT representation at the behest of his puppet masters at Disney, or how I’m secretly the hateful or the wrong one because somehow pointing out how his garbage film is coded with anti-LGBT bigotry is somehow just me being a jerk. If the LGBT representation can be conveniently replaced at a corporate whim and thus serves to further marginalize and dehumanize LGBT experiences, then somehow this means a blogger is being a bigot and it is not wholly Sam Raimi’s fault for being a worthless, incompetent director. Whatever. This film has convinced me to stop watching any future Marvel films for the near-future.

3 thoughts on “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: The Worthless Failure of Disney’s LGBT Pandering

  1. Pingback: Peacemaker Review: A textbook case on the portrayal of LGBT Couples | Jarin Jove's Blog

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