The Short Reading List of 2019

Honestly, this year felt mostly like a disappointment; I struggle to even try with anything anymore and not fall into apathy. It’s just so hard to care. My 4-year project ended-up being a total failure compared to my expectations for it so… that’s that. My life’s trajectory has also been pretty passable at best. Overall, I’m just left disappointed. I decided to spend less time reading to finish up writing by book this year and realized I was forcing myself to read shorter books for the arbitrary goal of 12 books a year instead of just reading for pleasure and enjoying the longer books as I usually do. Without further adieu:

This Year’s Completed Readings:

Thinking In Bets by Annie Duke

Intelligence: All That Matters by Stuart Ritchie

Mortality by Christopher Hitchens

The Enemy by Christopher Hitchens

Consciousness by Annaka Harris

All-Star Superman by Morrison

Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill

Several Chapters:

Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant

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